Conducting Research on CDM Potential in Egypt

Conducting Research on CDM Potential in Egypt: Deutsche GesellschaftfürInternationaleZusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Contracted by the Joint Committee for Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Environmental Protection under the German Technical Cooperation (GTZ).to develop a worksheet-based detailed assessment of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency potentials and respective CDM potentials in Egypt. The assignment tasks included:

  • Collect and compile secondary data concerning Egypt’s energy consumption data
  • Forecast growth trends of energy consumptions according to guided estimates by economic sector
  • Assess fossil fuel reduction potentials by RE and EE as well as fuel switching options in each sector, estimate incremental cost of RE and EE option
  • Transform energy consumption data to equivalent CO2 emissions according to CDM approved methodologies, where applicable
  • Perform the above operation within an excel worksheet
  • Estimate the CDM potential in Egypt according to documented secondary information sources and the analysis that will be conducted.
  • Develop a graph of RE, EE and fuel switching technologies and their incremental unit cost and quantitative fossil fuel reduction
  • Develop a graph of RE, EE and fuel switching technologies and their incremental cost and quantitative potential of CO2 reduction
  • Communicate the outcomes of these tasks in a written report with a matrix that shows each sector and the possible RE and EE options