
About us

EcoBusiness is a consulting firm established in 2005 to serve the rising market demands for sustainable development, energy conservation and environmental management in Egypt and the Middle East. EcoBusiness core group is composed of highly experienced multidisciplinary specialists in the fields of, environmental management, environmental planning and energy efficiency.

Capitalizing on the long-standing experience and in-depth knowledge of its core group, who have been for long involved in initiating and managing major environmental activities in Egypt and the Middle East. Through its core team and its associate experts, EcoBusiness has served a wide spectrum of clients, including municipalities, governorates, tourism developers, petroleum companies and industrial sector, as well as bilateral and multilateral development and financial institutions. 

This experience enables EcoBusiness to provide its clients with workable solutions to an array of complex developmental problems in a fully integrated and cost-effective way and to ensure that each project is completed on time, within budget and in accordance with the client’s quality standards. 

We have more than 20 years of experience

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